At SoundVision we always focus on aesthetic impact and often use motorized TV lifts, motorized artwork, and mirrors to hide TVs when they are not in use. Depending on the application and budget we recommend solutions from Nexus 21, Electro-kinetics, Future Automation, Seura, and ArtScreen by Vutec. We are always on the lookout for new and innovative solutions.
Nexus 21 also has a line of hidden storage lifts for use in the void spaces of the always awkward corner cabinet. Check out this video of their hidden kitchen storage lift.
When it comes to concealment systems, the folks at Nexus 21 are just getting started. They have concealed a variety of appliances and shelving systems with their motorized lifts – anything that will make your life easier and less cluttered.
Convincing your friends you have nothing hidden up your sleeve might be a bit more difficult after they see the latest in concealment systems: a bar hidden in a poker table. The wood finish, elbow rail, and cloth are available in a variety of colors to match your tastes and décor.
SoundVision can integrate all of this into your home systems so that a button press on your remote control or lighting control keypad will activate the lift. As the center of the table rises, the storage area is revealed containing your favorite spirits, playing cards, and chips. Don’t have a floor outlet where you would like to place the table? No problem, there is an optional battery pack available. Simply charge the battery before the big game and you are ready to go! No cords, no clutter.